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Logotipo do canal de telegrama reinfocoiso19 - Reinfo-coiso19
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Idioma: Português
Assinantes: 225
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As últimas mensagens 14

2022-05-05 09:39:34
Rosa Koire (†), investigadora y autora del libro "Detrás de la Máscara Verde: La Agenda 21 de la ONU", resume la Agenda 21 de las Naciones Unidas.
31 views06:39
Aberto / Como
2022-05-05 07:46:08 What Sort of Western People Fly a Ukrainian Flag? 

 Zombies, are the vast majority of the ukrainian flag-flyers. 
They are the ones who have a TV instead of a brain.
They are the ones who believed in 1990 that Iraqi troops threw babies out of incubators in Kuwait and that Serbs massacred Muslims in Yugoslavia in the 1990s. 
They are the ones who over the last two years actually believed the propaganda about covid and closed themselves away wearing a mask and refused to go outside for a year because ‘it’ was ‘in the air’.  
They listened to and read and believed all the government social control lies. 
In order to avoid an extremely small possibility of death, they are the ones who made their lives into living deaths by locking themselves up in their homemade prisons.
 They are the same brainless conformists, who actually think that Western countries are democratic!
 Oh yes, Western elections do give you a choice. You can vote for a moron or for a cretin, both of whom are puppets of the same oligarchs who similarly made their money from arms, oil, pharmaceutics, food, media, computing or whatever. Demo-no-cracy indeed. 
As long as these ukrainian flag-flyers have bread (supermarkets) and circuses (TV shows and sport), they will do anything you want, even fly the made-up flag of a made-up country, of which they know nothing. 

74 views04:46
Aberto / Como
2022-05-04 23:52:14
"No Compliance, No Food" - Dr. Mike Yeadon Breaks Down His Thoughts on the Sudden Disruption of the Food Supply

"Since this is not an accident... there is a plan to reduce the food supply to the point that you are dependent upon the state to be fed. So they don't need to starve you; they just need to make the number of calories available a little bit less than you would want, and since that would give rise to food riots, then they will put in place either martial law or rationing, and rationing will be driven off digital ID. So this seems to me why they're doing it because you have to eat, and they'll say, 'No compliance, no food.' "

Full Video:

@VigilantFox | Rumble
34 views20:52
Aberto / Como
2022-05-04 10:22:16
The Foegen Effect: Why Face Masks Increase the Death Rate of COVID-19 - Zacharias Fögen

"My study on masks has finally appeared in the prestigious journal Medicine.

My study, based on the U.S. state of Kansas..: case mortality was significantly lower in counties without mandatory masks. Mandatory masking increased case mortality there by 85%. 

The reason for this is what I call the Foegen effect: deep re-inhalation of condensed droplets or pure virions which were trapped in the mask as droplets can worsen the prognosis. Each of these steps has been documented in the literature.

A peer-reviewed study in the journal Cureus shows that there is no association between mask compliance and case numbers in Europe, but there is a statistically significant positive association between mask compliance and deaths. This means: more mask use, same number of cases, but more deaths."

Channel: @RobinMG
42 views07:22
Aberto / Como
2022-05-02 19:42:58
52 views16:42
Aberto / Como
2022-05-02 00:40:21
Bill Gates a récemment déclaré que le monde devait réagir davantage comme l'Australie lors de la prochaine pandémie. Ils « ont fait du très bon travail
L'Australie a appliqué le zéro Covid comme en Chine, et les gens ont pété les plombs ! Bill Gates est une crapule, il veut enfermer tout les positifs dans des camps ! Il me dégoute ce type

Rejoins nous sur Telegram
53 views21:40
Aberto / Como
2022-04-30 22:22:14
Fauci a caché des médicaments et des traitements salvateurs au public
Arizona délivre un mandat d'arrêt contre lui.
1.1K views19:22
Aberto / Como
2022-04-30 13:36:36 Regardez " La Virgen Le Reveló a Lucia Cuando Sería Publicado El Secreto de Fátima" sur YouTube

55 views10:36
Aberto / Como
2022-04-30 00:18:21
615 views21:18
Aberto / Como
2022-04-29 12:10:31
Vous pensiez que Klaus Schwab, 84 ans, ne pourrait plus être nuisible trop longtemps ?

Voici sa relève, sa fille Nicole Schwab qui parle du Great Reset (2021) avec toujours cette même idée que la crise représente une « opportunité » d'un nouveau paradigme, qui mettrait la nature au centre des préoccupations (tout en collaborant avec les pires destructeurs de la nature : Pfizer, Monsanto, Bill Gates...)...
59 views09:10
Aberto / Como