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What Sort of Western People Fly a Ukrainian Flag?   Zombies, | Reinfo-coiso19

What Sort of Western People Fly a Ukrainian Flag? 

 Zombies, are the vast majority of the ukrainian flag-flyers. 
They are the ones who have a TV instead of a brain.
They are the ones who believed in 1990 that Iraqi troops threw babies out of incubators in Kuwait and that Serbs massacred Muslims in Yugoslavia in the 1990s. 
They are the ones who over the last two years actually believed the propaganda about covid and closed themselves away wearing a mask and refused to go outside for a year because ‘it’ was ‘in the air’.  
They listened to and read and believed all the government social control lies. 
In order to avoid an extremely small possibility of death, they are the ones who made their lives into living deaths by locking themselves up in their homemade prisons.
 They are the same brainless conformists, who actually think that Western countries are democratic!
 Oh yes, Western elections do give you a choice. You can vote for a moron or for a cretin, both of whom are puppets of the same oligarchs who similarly made their money from arms, oil, pharmaceutics, food, media, computing or whatever. Demo-no-cracy indeed. 
As long as these ukrainian flag-flyers have bread (supermarkets) and circuses (TV shows and sport), they will do anything you want, even fly the made-up flag of a made-up country, of which they know nothing.