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Of course not. This idea is absurd. Scholars calmly debate whe | ViriliHyperborum

Of course not. This idea is absurd. Scholars calmly debate whether Genghis Khan's conquests are for the good because they expanded trade routes.

Apparently, this omelet was so tasty that it justified breaking 40 million eggs...

We can also analyze the most important examples from home. Not long ago, Napoleon conquered much of Europe. The occupation of Germanic territory was particularly brutal. In one famous case, a man who was distributing a book calling for the German resistance to the French front was killed by the firing squad. German student fraternities that still exist today were born as groups preparing for an uprising. A collective experience of occupation was a major factor in the eventual creation of the united German identity, which culminated in the rise of Bismarck. However, is Napoleon a hated figure in Western Europe or even Germany? Would you be attacked if you expressed a favorable opinion of him? Difficultly. Its magnificent tomb still attracts large masses of tourists every year. An author hailing from the Emperor's greatest enemy, Great Britain, wrote a book declaring that he was called "Napoleon the Great". He also stated that it would have been better for the world if Napoleon had won at Waterloo.

Is this author defamed, arrested or assaulted? Of course not.

Of course not. This idea is absurd. Scholars calmly debate whether Genghis Khan's conquests are for the good because they expanded trade routes.

So let's dismissively dismiss the idea that people really care about human rights and universal laws of morals. They care about dodging taboos. They don't want to lose money or their social status. Whether a person is considered a monster, a hero, or simply a historically important figure is entirely dependent on power, especially the power of the media.

"History is written by the victors", or so we are told.

Those who say this are usually common in power, even if they pay to kill themselves. They are simply the beneficiaries of the achievements of others. Those who teach us about our moral obligations have this power because their direct ancestors were consorted. And no doubt, if their mighty ancestors could see how mentally and physically weak their successors are, they'd decided they weren't worth fighting for.

Conquerors don't ask for forgiveness. In addition to their region, neither do their descendants. Whoever you are, whatever your ethnicity, you exist because the one who fulfills before you had the courage to fight for the next generation.

Don't ask forgiveness for anything, you are the son of conquerors whose sacrifice for existence was paid for by blood, honor that.

ORIGINAL Operation Werewolf Posted Jan 22, 2020 - Operation Werewolf, War Journal by: Operative 413

| @ViriliHyperborum