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#julieponesse | Reinfo-coiso19


Dr. Ponesse has now taken on a role with The Democracy Fund, a registered Canadian charity aimed at advancing civil liberties, where she serves as the pandemic ethics scholar.

"The right to life, liberty, security of the person.

The right to equality before the law and the protection of the law.

Freedom of religion.

Freedom of speech.

Freedom of assembly and association.

Freedom of the press.

In 1957, John Diefenbaker said these basic freedoms, which became part of our Bill of Rights 3 years later, must become entrenched in law so they cannot be threatened by the state.

Today, these freedoms are not just threatened, they’ve been taken from us. And they’re in danger of being lost forever. In a single year, liberal democracy in Canada has been obliterated by the son of the man who embedded these fundamental freedoms into our constitution.

We have, for 2 years, endured a pandemic of coercion and compliance.

We have ground our health care system, our political infrastructure, and our economy to a halt in order to prevent the spread of a virus for which we have, all along, had safe, effective treatments. Instead we’ve been force-fed a doomed-to-fail “vaccinate the world” escape plan that never should have been approved in the first place.

For two years, you, our governments, fueled by the media, have demeaned us, mocked us, canceled and ignored us. We have tried to engage in discussions about the medical, legal and ethical aspects of the pandemic response. And they just call us names.

You have taken our jobs, drained our savings accounts, tried our friendships, broken our families, and extinguished our children’s hope for the future.

You have stripped doctors of their licenses, police of their badges, and teachers of their classroom privileges.

You have called us fringe, uneducated, scientifically illiterate, and morally bankrupt. You have said you have no empathy for the unvaccinated, that they don’t deserve medical care, they don’t deserve a voice in society, they don’t even deserve a place in our democracy.

You have nurtured the seeds of distrust and fanned the flames of hatred between us.

But perhaps worst of all we have allowed you to do it. We have allowed you to break our trust in each other, and our confidence in our ability to think for ourselves.

And now you hide and run when the truth is on your doorstep.

How did we get here?

Big Pharma? Probably.

Sellout mainstream media? Absolutely.

Abuses of power by tech giants and career politicians? Almost certainly.

But our true moral failure is that we did this to ourselves. We allowed it. And some of us embraced it. We forgot for a while that freedom needs to be lived every day and that, some days, we need to fight for it. We forgot that, as Premier Brian Peckford said, “Even in the best of times we are only a heartbeat away from tyranny.”