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Homeopatia Brasil

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Logotipo do canal de telegrama homeopatiabrasil - Homeopatia Brasil
Endereço do canal: @homeopatiabrasil
Categorias: Não categorizado
Idioma: Português
Assinantes: 759
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🌿Este espaço tem o objetivo de divulgação e valorização da homeopatia.
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As últimas mensagens 2

2021-09-16 02:28:47
53 viewsHomeopatia Brasil Comunidade, 23:28
Aberto / Como
2021-09-10 02:29:07 Bruise (contusion)
A bruise is when the skin has been injured by a blunt blow, but not broken, and the tissue beneath is damaged.

Aconitum if the person is in shock from trauma.

Arnica - to immediately slow down swelling and bruising and to address the pain take every 15 minutes along with Hamamelis, then 3 times daily until bruising has disappeared.

Arnica cream - topically the use of Arnica will speed healing of the bruise and bring down swelling.

Bellis perennis - muscles, glands and highly innervated areas.

Ferrum phos - every 3-4 hours, a great anti-inflammatory.

Ledum - (After Arnica) older injury with large haematomas with cold skin.

Symphytum - If there is a fracture, this remedy can address knitting the bone. Take one dose two times daily for three weeks.
40 viewsHomeopatia Brasil Comunidade, 23:29
Aberto / Como
2021-09-10 02:28:33 Hematoma (contusão)
Um hematoma é quando a pele foi ferida por um golpe sem corte, mas não quebrada, e o tecido abaixo está danificado.

Aconitum se a pessoa estiver em choque devido a um trauma.

Arnica - para diminuir imediatamente o inchaço e hematomas e para tratar a dor, tomar a cada 15 minutos junto com Hamamelis, depois 3 vezes ao dia até que os hematomas desapareçam.

Creme de Arnica - topicamente, o uso de Arnica acelera a cicatrização do hematoma e diminui o inchaço.

Bellis perennis - músculos, glândulas e áreas altamente inervadas.

Ferrum phos - a cada 3-4 horas, um ótimo antiinflamatório.

Ledum - (após Arnica) lesão mais antiga com grandes hematomas com pele fria.

Symphytum - Se houver uma fratura, este remédio pode tratar de tricotar o osso. Tome uma dose duas vezes ao dia durante três semanas.
40 viewsHomeopatia Brasil Comunidade, 23:28
Aberto / Como

☆》 Causticum is the routine remedy for Retention of Urine after operation. - Dr. D.M. Foubister.

☆》 Nothing equals Hypericum in cases of Smashed Fingers. - Dr. E.A. Farrington.

☆》 Hyoscyamus is one of our best remedies for Hiccough occurring after operations on the abdomen. - Dr. E.A. Farrington.

☆》 Hypericum is the main remedy for Spinal Injuries. - Dr. D.M. Foubister.

☆》 Berberis Vulgaris is an excellent remedy for Renal Colic. - Dr. E. A. Farrington.

☆》 Cholesterinum is said to be almost specific for Gallstone Colic. - Dr. Pulford.

☆》 Colocynthis cures Colics again and again. - Dr. T.K. Moore.

☆》 In Biliary Colic, Calcarea Carb. has never failed me. - Dr. R. Hughes.

☆》 One’s chief use for Mag. Phos. has been in the treatment of Dysmenorrhoea. - Dr. M.L.Tyler.

☆》 Any Haemorrhage seeming to be in sympathy with heart trouble, think of Cactus. - Dr. E.B. Nash.

☆》 In Cramps of the calves, I have never known Cuprum to fail. - Dr. Jousett.

☆》 In Habitual Vomiting in babies, one should think of Iris. - Dr. C.G. Raue.

☆》 For the Excessively Obstinate Child, Tuberculinum is most often indicated. - Dr. D.M. Foubister.

☆》 I have cured probably 100 cases of Adenoids with Tuberculinium alone. - Dr. J.T. Kent.

☆》 Persons suffering from Ulceration of the Lungs can scarcely get well without Kali Carb. - Dr. Hahnemann.

☆》 There is one remedy in regard to Enlarged Prostate and that is Hydrangea. - Dr. A.H. Grimmer.

☆》 For the terrible Falling out of Hair after Typhoid, Fluoric Acid is well indicated. - Dr. C.M. Boger.

☆》 I recommend Arnica Mont. as preventive and curative of Boils. - Dr. Hahnemann.

☆》 Nitric Acid is almost specific for Diarrhea after antibiotics, especially the mycins. - Dr. E.W. Hubbard.

☆》 I know of no remedy of such universal usefulness in cases of simple Acne as Kali Brom 30. - Dr. J.H. Clarke.

☆》 Lycopodium is the master remedy in Infantile Eczema. - Dr. Leon Renard.

☆》 We have found Bacillinum almost specific for Ulceration of Cornea in children. - Dr. M.L. Tyler.

☆》 Several cases of Cataract have been arrested in their progress by Causticum and the sight even improved, where before its administration they were rapidly going on to complete blindness. - Drs. Allen and Norton.

☆》 The more Benzoic Acid is used in Gout the more it will be prized. - Dr. C. Hering.

☆》 Arthritis Deformans responds to Antim Crud. a near specific. - Dr. Schwartz.

☆》 In Diabetes, 2 or 3 grains of the 3rd trituration of Uran. Nit. administered morning and night, will in a short time reduce the quantity of urine passed to nearly a normal standard, and after a continual use, the proportion of sugar is materially lessened. - Dr. Bradford.

☆》 Some of the worst cases of Chronic Rheumatism have been cured by Ant. Crud., guided by the extreme tenderness of the soles of the feet. - Dr. E.B. Nash.

☆》Ipecac. is especially the infant’s friend and is commonly indicated in the Bronchitis of Infancy. - Dr. J.T. Kent.
15 viewsHomeopatia Brasil Comunidade, 14:24
Aberto / Como
2021-09-04 04:32:35 Dr. Hering, who first proved LACHESIS, could never tolerate tight clothing about his neck. He always wore his collars loose. He noticed that during the proving, this symptom annoyed him more than usual, so he faithfully made note of the occurrence, but did not place much value on it. Since then, the symptom has been confirmed many times in practice, and has been found true, not only as a local symptom of the neck, but as a symptom of the body universally. The explanation seems to be that there is an irritation of the peripheral nerves, and because of this, the patient cannot bear touch or slight pressure. It is no evidence of inflammation, and must not be confounded with the inflammatory soreness of ACONITE, ARNICA, or BELLADONNA. This sensitiveness also differs from that of APIS which has a bruised sore feeling more acute than that of ARNICA. It also differs from the sensitiveness of NUX VOMICA and LYCOPODIUM which have it about the waist only after a meal.

92 viewsHomeopatia Brasil Comunidade, 01:32
Aberto / Como
2021-09-04 04:23:30 O Dr. Hering, o primeiro a provar LACHESIS, nunca tolerou roupas apertadas em volta do pescoço. Ele sempre usava os colarinhos soltos. Ele percebeu que, durante a prova, esse sintoma o incomodava mais do que o normal, então ele anotou fielmente a ocorrência, mas não deu muito valor a ela. Desde então, o sintoma foi confirmado muitas vezes na prática e foi considerado verdadeiro, não apenas como um sintoma local do pescoço, mas como um sintoma do corpo universalmente. A explicação parece ser que existe uma irritação dos nervos periféricos e, por isso, o paciente não consegue suportar o toque ou a leve pressão. Não é evidência de inflamação e não deve ser confundida com a dor inflamatória de ACONITE, ARNICA ou BELADONNA. Esta sensibilidade também difere daquela do APIS, que tem uma sensação de ferida machucada mais aguda do que a do ARNICA. Também difere da sensibilidade do NUX VOMICA e do LYCOPODIUM, que o apresentam na cintura apenas após uma refeição.

93 viewsHomeopatia Brasil Comunidade, 01:23
Aberto / Como
2021-09-02 19:11:52
129 views16:11
Aberto / Como
2021-08-31 03:09:14
232 views00:09
Aberto / Como