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Parabéns à Vodka Moonshot por ter ganhado em segundo lugar! | ApuCalls

Parabéns à Vodka Moonshot por ter ganhado em segundo lugar!

Abaixo estarei deixando os links úteis da moeda .

Amanhã teremos outra enquete .

O primeiro e segundo colocados na enquete garantem vaga na enquete seguinte, desta forma amanhã teremos a E-COIN, Vodka Moonshot e outras 3 moedas promissoras .


Congrats to Vodka Moonshot for 2st in the poll!

I'll be posting useful links about Vodka Moonshot (2st place) above .

Tomorrow we'll have another poll .

1st and 2st place of the last poll guarantees participation in the next poll. So, we will have E-COIN, Vodka Moonshot and another 3 promising coins .

Get ready!

Vodka Moonshot

Party with other hands on the Moon

Every time a Vodka Moonshot token is traded, the value will be added to a locked wallet. Once the Vodka Moonshot community reaches 50,000 holders, the value in the wallet will be withdrawn and used to organise the BIGGEST PARTY of all time. The location / venue will be decided by the community. After the 50,000 holder mark is reached, the party wallet will turn into a charity wallet and at 100,000 holders, Vodka Moonshot will donate to 5 charities, also chosen by the community.

In order to join the party, holders must stake a specified VDM amount for a given timeframe to mint a ticket:
10 000 000 VDM for 30 days
5 000 000 VDM for 21 days
1 000 000 VDM for 14 days
200 000 VDM for 7 days
10 000 VDM for 30 seconds

Staking will be implemented by 2021-06-30

Every Vodka Moonshot transaction (purchased or sold) has an automatic 9% transaction tax, which is then divided 3% that goes back to Locked LP, 3% back to Holders ( ), and 3% deposited into the Party Wallet.

Ownership has now been officially renounced!

Read More about the 50k holder party here:

Stake your #VDM and mint your Party NFT:

Learn More about Vodka Moonshot here:

Party with on the

3% added to locked LP
3% holder distribution
3% party wallet






Big marketing initiatives are being lined up

Shoutout to all the
